Bearing Witness, Willem Twee - Den Bosch - NL
Circulate, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam - NL
Circulate, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam - NL
A Show of Affection, Fotomuseum Winterthur - CH
Residue with Elena Khurtova, Sonic Acts Biennial, Amsterdam, NL
TANKTINK with Brian McKenna, deBalie, Amsterdam, NL
Long Time No See with Jonas Lund, Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam, NL
Residue with Elena Khurtova, Amsterdam Museum, Amsterdam, NL
Backlight Photo Festival 2023, Arthouse Cinema Niagara, Tampere, FI
Dead Darlings Auction, Oedipus Brewery, Amsterdam, NL
Screening of Shapeshift, Waterliniemuseum by night, Fort bij Vechten, NL
UNEARTH at A Grain of Sand in the Mountain’s Belly, LI-MA, Amsterdam, NL
Tank Tink One, Theater Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL
Ecopolis, Ancienne Belgique, Brussels, BE
Tank Tink One, Monty, Antwerp, BE
UNEARTH at Werkleitz Festival, Sachsen Anhalt, DE
Sonic Acts Biennial, Amsterdam, NL
Mimicry-Empathy, Fraeme at La Friche, Marseille, FR
NewNow, exhibition and performance, Zollverein Essen, DE
UNEARTH screening De Nijverheid, Utrecht, NL
UNEARTH screening Studio K, Amsterdam, NL
UNEARTH screening Film Festival Chelabinsk, RU
UNEARTH premiere at International Film Festival Rotterdam, NL
Van Wie is de Wereld, De Fundatie, Zwolle, NL
Dead Darlings, W139, Amsterdam NL
Lyuset, Landskrona, SE
Situations/Strike, Fotomuseum Winterthur, CH
Mythologies, ARoS, Aarhus, (DK)
Noorderlicht Festival, Groningen, NL
Scorched Earth, Cornell University Art Gallery, US
De Baak, Driebergen, NLs
Ural Industrial Biennial, Yekaterinburg, R
Spread, Kunstverein Hildesheim, DE
LIMA programme at The Ballroom (Bijlmer), Amsterdam NL
Atonal Berlin, Berlin, DE
Dom Metenkov, Museum of Photography, Yekaterinburg, R
Chicago Underground Film Festival, US
Floating Utopias, nGbK, Berlin, D
Unfair, Amsterdam, NL
Christie's x Unfair, Amsterdam, NL
Places of Ruin, Deel ||| Beyond Thunderdome, Nest, Den Haag, NL
The Moving Museum, online
Post Peace, Nest, Den Haag, NL
Photo Basel, Switzerland
Post Peace, WKV, Stuttgart, DE
New Work, LIMA, Amsterdam, NL
MOTF, Gallery GMK, Zagreb, HR
PS Camera, Museum Hilversum, NL
Les Nouveaux Talents de la Photographie, Neimenster, LU
Post Peace, Istanbul, Turkey
LA Art Book Fair, US
Jupiter XL, parallel program of Zona Maco, México Arte Contemporaneo, MX
Christie's x Unfair, Amsterdam, NL
Skånes Konstförening, Malmö, SE
Scene, Kunsthal Citroën, Amsterdam, NL
Locatie Z, Den Haag, NL
w, Tate Modern, London, UK
Plat(t)form, Fotomuseum Winterthur, CH
Out There 2, Rotterdam, NL
The Hot Show, Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, DK
Paris Photo, Paris, FR
Offprint, Paris, FR
Out There 1, Maastricht, NL
Foam, Amsterdam, NL
Unseen, Amsterdam, NL
Unfair, Amsterdam, NL
Christie's x Unfair, Amsterdam, NL
Fotokopie, Felix&Foam Collaborate, Amsterdam, NL
The Drill, CIAT( Contemporary Institute for Art and Thought ) Berlin, DE
Prospects and Concepts, Rotterdam, NL
Entropy and the Grid, Amsterdam, NL
Unseen, Amsterdam, NL
Huize Frankendael, Amsterdam, NL
Public Relations, Moscow, R
Low Standards / High Ideals, Chukotka, Amsterdam, NL
Inkonst, Malmö, SE
Makeriet, Malmö, SE
CEO gallery Malmö, SE
Studio Practice (Exchange), Stockholm, SE
Solar Plexus, Spacestation 65, London, UK
Solar Plexus, V Art Center, Shanghai, CN
W139, Amsterdam, NL
KHM Galery, MFA graduation show, Malmö, SE
Pleasant, Copenhagen, DK
GirlsGirls, Malmö, SE
BYOB, Stpln, Malmö, Sweden
Transceiver, Bemis Art Center, Omaha, Nebraska, US
Format, Malmö, SE
Prosume This!, Beko, Berlin, DE
BYOB, W139, Amsterdam, NL
Dead Darlings, Amsterdam, NL
The Second Act, De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, NL
Somewhere Else Before, Sofia, BG
Drift Station Gallery, Lincoln, Nebraska, US
Art Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL
Van Zoetendaal Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
KHM Gallery, Malmö, SE
Teaching Photography, Museum Folkwang, Essen, DE
We Belong Together, Supernova, Riga, LV
GRA End-Exam, Rietveld Academie Amsterdam, NL
Between now and 5 Minutes ago, SOS48, Murcia, ES
Untitled Yes/No, Glass Pavillion, Amsterdam, NL
Audience, Mediamatic, Rembrandplein, Amsterdam, NL
Residue with Elena Khurtova, former PAKT, Amsterdam
Seeing into Stone book launch, Foam, Amsterdam
ELMA, New York
Ural Industrial Biennial, Yekaterinburg, Russia
De Baak, Driebergen, The Netherlands
Dom Metenkov Museum of Photography, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Gallery GMK, Zagreb, Croatia
Skånes Konstförening, Malmö, Sweden
Foam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
KHM Gallery, MFA graduation show, Malmö, Sweden
Format, Malmö, Sweden
keynote for Remix Fest with Elena Khurtova, Beeld en Geluid
(Unseen) war and conflict, Rijksakademie, Amsterdam
lecturer at the Photography Department +Fine Art at HKU
Erasmus+ Programm Hochschule Pforzheim
Hembrug Symposium for Zaans Museum
lecturer at the Photography Department +Fine Art at HKU
lecturer at the Photography Department at Gerrit Rietveld Academy
ARRG, UvA, Artistic Research Presentation with Brian McKenna
lecturer at the Photography Department at Gerrit Rietveld Academy
NewNow Conference, Zollverein Essen, DE
Virtual Empathy seminar and student exhibition, HKU, Utrecht, NL
Strike, Fotomuseum Winterthur, CH
Trophic Cascades seminar and student exhibition, HKU/ IMPAKT, Utrecht, NL
Speculative Interfaces seminar and student exhibition, HKU/ IMPAKT, Utrecht, NL
Spread, Kunstverein Hildesheim, DE
2018 (— present)
currently teaching photography at HKU
LIMA at The Ballroom, Amsterdam
Masterclass at Dom Metenkov Museum of Photography, Yekaterinburg
Algorithmic Superstructures seminar, HKU/ IMPAKT, Utrecht
Material Disobedience, nGbK, Berlin
Recording Ghosts and Weaving Data, Academiegalerie, Utrecht
Haunted Media seminar, HKU/ IMPAKT, Utrecht
Gallery GMK, Zagreb
Museum Hilversum for PS Camera
HMM, Amsterdam
LIMA Viewpoints #2
KHM Malmö
Book presentation Huis Marseille, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Disguise and Deception Symposium, Marineterrein, Amsterdam
Lost & Found, De Waag, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge Alberta
ACAD (Alberta College of Art and Design) Calgary, Alberta
Public Relations, Moscow
Chukotka Art Space, Amsterdam
ICA, London
Rockbund Museum, Shanghai
Xindanwei, Shanghai
Ecoes Magazine
Metropolis M
EXIT magazine
De Correspondent
Gup Magazine
Metropolis M
What’s Next? A search into the future of photography, FOAM, Amsterdam
Rietveld Arsenale
Gray Magazine Issue 4 – the Meeting
Remote Monitoring 3
The Verbal Stage
Untitled #1-3, collaboration with HGKZ, Zürich
MFA, Konsthögskolan i Malmö,Sweden
BFA Photography, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam
Art History, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin
Residue at former PAKT with Elena Khurtova, Amsterdam, NL
Seeing into Stone book launch, Foam, Amsterdam
Seeing into Stone at ELMA, New York
Ural Industrial Biennial, Yekaterinburg, Russia
De Baak, Driebergen, The Netherlands
Dom Metenkov Museum of Photography, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Gallery GMK, Zagreb, Croatia
Skånes Konstförening, Malmö, Sweden
Foam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
KHM Gallery, MFA graduation show, Malmö, Sweden
Format, Malmö, Sweden
Bearing Witness, Willem Twee - Den Bosch - NL
Circulate, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam - NL
Circulate, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam - NL
A Show of Affection, Fotomuseum Winterthur - CH
Residue with Elena Khurtova, Sonic Acts Biennial, Amsterdam, NL
TANKTINK with Brian McKenna, deBalie, Amsterdam, NL
Long Time No See with Jonas Lund, Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam, NL
Residue with Elena Khurtova, Amsterdam Museum, Amsterdam, NL
Backlight Photo Festival 2023, Arthouse Cinema Niagara, Tampere, FI
Dead Darlings Auction, Oedipus Brewery, Amsterdam, NL
Screening of Shapeshift, Waterliniemuseum by night, Fort bij Vechten, NL
UNEARTH at A Grain of Sand in the Mountain’s Belly, LI-MA, Amsterdam, NL
Tank Tink One, Theater Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL
Ecopolis, Ancienne Belgique, Brussels, BE
Tank Tink One, Monty, Antwerp, BE
UNEARTH at Werkleitz Festival, Sachsen Anhalt, DE
Sonic Acts Biennial, Amsterdam, NL
Mimicry-Empathy, Fraeme at La Friche, Marseille, FR
NewNow, exhibition and performance, Zollverein Essen, DE
UNEARTH screening De Nijverheid, Utrecht, NL
UNEARTH screening Studio K, Amsterdam, NL
UNEARTH screening Film Festival Chelabinsk, RU
UNEARTH premiere at International Film Festival Rotterdam, NL
Van Wie is de Wereld, De Fundatie, Zwolle, NL
Dead Darlings, W139, Amsterdam NL
Lyuset, Landskrona, SE
Situations/Strike, Fotomuseum Winterthur, CH
Mythologies, ARoS, Aarhus, (DK)
Noorderlicht Festival, Groningen, NL
Scorched Earth, Cornell University Art Gallery, US
De Baak, Driebergen, NLs
Ural Industrial Biennial, Yekaterinburg, R
Spread, Kunstverein Hildesheim, DE
LIMA programme at The Ballroom (Bijlmer), Amsterdam NL
Atonal Berlin, Berlin, DE
Dom Metenkov, Museum of Photography, Yekaterinburg, R
Chicago Underground Film Festival, US
Floating Utopias, nGbK, Berlin, D
Unfair, Amsterdam, NL
Christie's x Unfair, Amsterdam, NL
Places of Ruin, Deel ||| Beyond Thunderdome, Nest, Den Haag, NL
The Moving Museum, online
Post Peace, Nest, Den Haag, NL
Photo Basel, Switzerland
Post Peace, WKV, Stuttgart, DE
New Work, LIMA, Amsterdam, NL
MOTF, Gallery GMK, Zagreb, HR
PS Camera, Museum Hilversum, NL
Les Nouveaux Talents de la Photographie, Neimenster, LU
Post Peace, Istanbul, Turkey
LA Art Book Fair, US
Jupiter XL, parallel program of Zona Maco, México Arte Contemporaneo, MX
Christie's x Unfair, Amsterdam, NL
Skånes Konstförening, Malmö, SE
Scene, Kunsthal Citroën, Amsterdam, NL
Locatie Z, Den Haag, NL
w, Tate Modern, London, UK
Plat(t)form, Fotomuseum Winterthur, CH
Out There 2, Rotterdam, NL
The Hot Show, Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, DK
Paris Photo, Paris, FR
Offprint, Paris, FR
Out There 1, Maastricht, NL
Foam, Amsterdam, NL
Unseen, Amsterdam, NL
Unfair, Amsterdam, NL
Christie's x Unfair, Amsterdam, NL
Fotokopie, Felix&Foam Collaborate, Amsterdam, NL
The Drill, CIAT( Contemporary Institute for Art and Thought ) Berlin, DE
Prospects and Concepts, Rotterdam, NL
Entropy and the Grid, Amsterdam, NL
Unseen, Amsterdam, NL
Huize Frankendael, Amsterdam, NL
Public Relations, Moscow, R
Low Standards / High Ideals, Chukotka, Amsterdam, NL
Inkonst, Malmö, SE
Makeriet, Malmö, SE
CEO gallery Malmö, SE
Studio Practice (Exchange), Stockholm, SE
Solar Plexus, Spacestation 65, London, UK
Solar Plexus, V Art Center, Shanghai, CN
W139, Amsterdam, NL
KHM Galery, MFA graduation show, Malmö, SE
Pleasant, Copenhagen, DK
GirlsGirls, Malmö, SE
BYOB, Stpln, Malmö, Sweden
Transceiver, Bemis Art Center, Omaha, Nebraska, US
Format, Malmö, SE
Prosume This!, Beko, Berlin, DE
BYOB, W139, Amsterdam, NL
Dead Darlings, Amsterdam, NL
The Second Act, De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, NL
Somewhere Else Before, Sofia, BG
Drift Station Gallery, Lincoln, Nebraska, US
Art Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL
Van Zoetendaal Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
KHM Gallery, Malmö, SE
Teaching Photography, Museum Folkwang, Essen, DE
We Belong Together, Supernova, Riga, LV
GRA End-Exam, Rietveld Academie Amsterdam, NL
Between now and 5 Minutes ago, SOS48, Murcia, ES
Untitled Yes/No, Glass Pavillion, Amsterdam, NL
Audience, Mediamatic, Rembrandplein, Amsterdam, NL
keynote for Remix Fest with Elena Khurtova, Beeld en Geluid
(Unseen) war and conflict, Rijksakademie, Amsterdam
lecturer at the Photography Department +Fine Art at HKU
Erasmus+ Programm Hochschule Pforzheim
Hembrug Symposium for Zaans Museum
lecturer at the Photography Department +Fine Art at HKU
lecturer at the Photography Department at Gerrit Rietveld Academy
ARRG, UvA, Artistic Research Presentation with Brian McKenna
NewNow Conference, Zollverein Essen, DE
Virtual Empathy seminar and student exhibition, HKU, Utrecht, NL
Strike, Fotomuseum Winterthur, CH
Trophic Cascades seminar and student exhibition, HKU/ IMPAKT, Utrecht, NL
Speculative Interfaces seminar and student exhibition, HKU/ IMPAKT, Utrecht, NL
Spread, Kunstverein Hildesheim, DE
2018 (— present)
currently teaching photography at HKU
LIMA at The Ballroom, Amsterdam
Masterclass at Dom Metenkov Museum of Photography, Yekaterinburg
Algorithmic Superstructures seminar, HKU/ IMPAKT, Utrecht
Material Disobedience, nGbK, Berlin
Recording Ghosts and Weaving Data, Academiegalerie, Utrecht
Haunted Media seminar, HKU/ IMPAKT, Utrecht
Gallery GMK, Zagreb
Museum Hilversum for PS Camera
HMM, Amsterdam
LIMA Viewpoints #2
KHM Malmö
Book presentation Huis Marceille, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Disguise and Deception Symposium, Marineterrein, Amsterdam
Lost & Found, De Waag, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge Alberta
ACAD (Alberta College of Art and Design) Calgary, Alberta
Public Relations, Moscow
Chukotka Art Space, Amsterdam
ICA, London
Rockbund Museum, Shanghai
Xindanwei, Shanghai
EXIT magazine
De Correspondent
Gup Magazine
Metropolis M
What’s Next? A search into the future of photography, FOAM, Amsterdam
Rietveld Arsenale
Gray Magazine Issue 4 – the Meeting
Remote Monitoring 3
The Verbal Stage
Untitled #1-3, collaboration with HGKZ, Zürich
MFA, Konsthögskolan i Malmö,Sweden
BFA Photography, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam
Art History, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin